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Covid-19: A panspecialty international project to determine point of care predictors from routinely collected data.

The CovidCollab project aims to use routinely collected data to improve knowledge of hospitalised patients with COVID-19. It will be collecting data that is not being collected elsewhere, but that is vitally relevant to the care of all patients.

This data can be collected alongside data collected by ISARIC, CovidSurg, and any other local projects – and work is underway to ensure that all databases are linked.

CovidCollab is open to all sites in all countries. If your site has already signed up for CovidSurg, please consider also signing up for CovidCollab if approvals are in place.

There are three documents which can be downloaded from this page:

  1. Main study protocol - (please read this carefully)

  2. Data collection templates - these are to remain on site only and must not leave your hospital either physically or electronically.

  3. A draft local site protocol - this has been sent as a word document so that you can amend this to fit your local needs. It is suggested that you amend this as per your local site and distribute to all clinical staff within your site.

All data upload will be via REDCap and only anonymised data will be collected. In most sites, it should be possible to obtain local approvals for this study as a service evaluation on site. Each site will be required to obtain the necessary approvals themselves. Please discuss with your local information governance team if there are any uncertainties. In view of the nature of the study and pandemic, we would request that this approval process is requested urgently and expedited locally.

To sign up to participate in this study

This project is only collecting anonymised data, however there is the potential that it may be able to link in with other studies that are collecting biological specimens (e.g. sputum and/or swabs alongside routine tests), so that data collection at site can be linked. If this is something that you feel your site may be able to assist with, or if you'd just like to know a bit more, please declare this on the sign-up sheet. 

Join the converstaion #CovidCollaborative

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