In The News
Our accomplishments to date!

1. 2018. GeMRC. Using social media and web-based networking in collaborative research: Protocol for the Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative. JMIR Research Protocols.
2. 2019. GeMRC. Geriatric medicine and old age psychiatry joint training pre-feasibility pilot study: an innovative approach to collaborative postgraduate training. BMC Medical Education.
3. 2019. GeMRC. Delirium is prevalent in older hospital inpatients and associated with adverse outcomes: results of a prospective multi-centre study on World Delirium Awareness Day. BMC Medicine.
4. 2019. GeMRC. A nationwide survey of confidence and knowledge of assessment and management oral conditions amongst a sample of physicians, United Kingdom. BMC Research Notes.
5. 2020. GeMRC. Age and Frailty Are Independently Associated with Increased Mortality in COVID-19: Results of an International Multi-Centre Study. Preprint. 2020.
6. 2020. GeMRC. Growing research in geriatric medicine: a trainee perspective. Age and Ageing.
7. 2021. GeMRC. Age and frailty are independently associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and increased care needs in survivors: results of an international multi-centre study. Age and Ageing.
1. 2018. GeMRC. Delirium across the UK: Results from the first national pan-speciality trainee-led audit of delirium screening.
West Midlands Physicians Association meeting, November 2018 - Oral presentation given by Dr C Welch and Dr D Wilson).
2. 2018. GeMRC. Innovations in geriatric medicine: Lessons from the first pan-speciality trainee-led national audit.
European Geriatric Medicine Society congress, October 2018 - Oral presentation given by Dr C Welch and Dr L McCluskey).
3. 2018. GeMRC. Innovations in geriatric medicine: Social media and the UKs first trainee-led research collaborative.
European Geriatric Medicine Society congress, October 2018 - Poster presentation.
4. 2018. GeMRC: Inception and dissemination of a new national trainee-led research collaborative.
Spring British Geriatrics Society Meeting 2018 - Oral presentation by Dr C Welch and Dr L McCluskey.
2018. GeMRC. Mouth care: do we care? A one-day national flash audit of mouth care practice in hospitalised older adults.
Spring British Geriatrics Society Meeting 2018 - Poster presentation.
5. 2018. GeMRC. The big tooth gap: current status of education about oral health conditions among UK trainees.
Spring British Geriatrics Society Meeting 2018 - Poster presentation.
6. 2018. GeMRC. Anaemia is prevalent in patients undergoing operative management for fractured necks of femurs.
Spring British Geriatrics Society Meeting 2018 - Poster presentation.
7. 2018. GeMRC. Innovations in geriatric medicine: Inception and dissemination of a national trainee-led research collaborative.
Royal College of Physicians, Innovation in Medicine 2018 conference - Poster presentation.
8. 2018. GeMRC. Assessment and recognition of delirium amongst older hospitalised patients: phase one results and progress.
National Research Collaborative Meeting, December 2018 - Oral presentation.
9. 2019. GeMRC. Improving delirium screening and recognition through quality improvement crowdsourcing: Results of a panspecialty multi-centre project.
National Research Collaborative Meeting 2019 - Poster presentation.
10. 2019. GeMRC. Introducing the FORCE:SEE Study – Frailty and Outcomes Record in Clinical Environments: probable Sarcopenia, geriatric Evaluation, and Events.
National Research Collaborative Meeting 2019 - Poster presentation.
11. 2019. GeMRC. Delirium is prevalent in older hospital inpatients and associated with adverse outcomes: results of a prospective multi-centre study on World Delirium Awareness Day.
European Delirium Association Meeting 2019 - Poster Presentation.
12. 2020. GeMRC. Increasing Frailty Severity Is Associated With A Step-Wise Increase In Risk Of Delirium In Older Unscheduled Hospital Admissions.
International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research 2020 (Oral presentation).
13. 2020. GeMRC. Age and frailty are associated with adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19: results of a multi-centre international cohort study.
EuGMS Congress 2020 - Poster Presentation.
14. 2020. GeMRC. Treatment escalation decisions in patients admitted with COVID-19: results of an international multi-centre study.
EuGMS Congress 2020 - Poster Presentation.
15. 2020. GeMRC. Improving delirium screening and recognition through quality improvement crowdsourcing: results of a panspecialty multi-centre project.
BGS Autumn Conference 2020 - Oral Presentation.
Prizes and Grants
2018. GeMRC (West Midlands branch).
West Midlands BGS StR Start-Up grant - £1000 awarded Spring 2018.
2018. GeMRC.
Fergus Anderson Prize for best Scientific Poster at the BGS Spring meeting 2018.
2018. Mary Ni Lochlainn, John Frewen, Catherine Bryant, on behalf of the GeMRC. Delirium in a Large Urban London Hospital: Highly Prevalent, Inadequately Screened For, Underdiagnosed, and Associated with Significant Mortality.
Best SpR speaker, South East and South West Thames regional BGS meeting, October 2018.
2018. Mary Ni Lochlainn, John Frewen, Catherine Bryant, on behalf of the GeMRC. Delirium in a Large Urban London Hospital: Highly Prevalent, Inadequately Screened For, Underdiagnosed, and Associated with Significant Mortality.
Best poster award, Aetiology and Prevention in Musculoskeletal and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Sweden, September 2018.
2019. GeMRC.
​Best poster prize at National Research Collaborative meeting 2019.​
2019. Hannah Moorey on behalf of GeMRC.​
3rd prize at European Delirium Association Meeting for Delirium is prevalent in older hospital inpatients and associated with adverse outcomes.
2020. GeMRC.
Best Clinical Quality Platform Presentation Prize at BGS Autumn Meeting for Improving delirium screening and recognition through quality improvement crowdsourcing.​
8. 2022. GeMRC. Fast-track hospital end-of-life discharge pathway: is it actually fast? National clinical audit. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.